our services

If you are less healthy than you want to be…

if you are tired of spending so much of your money on drugs & medicines…

if you question the wisdom of reliance upon a medical system…

if in short you are sick of being marginally well...

you are probably ready for high level wellness!

  • Naturopathy subscribes to the philosophy of ‘vis medicatrix naturae’, the healing power of nature, and honouring the organisms ability to come back into balance via non-suppressive, non-invasive modalities and medicines.

    With Naturopathy you can address your primary health concerns while also supporting all body systems back into homoeostasis for optimal wellness.

    An initial consultation is 90 minutes, with follow-up consultations lasting around 30 minutes.

  • You can see a lot by looking into someone’s eyes. With Iridology you can take a look at a person’s constitution, identify body systems strengths and weaknesses that are reflected within the iris structure and colour, and learn what we need to nurture for good health and wellbeing.

    We offer Iridology consultation as 10 minutes sessions, as comprehensive 1 hour sessions, and also within Initial Naturopathic consultation, alongside with Sclerology.

  • We have the kits for Australian Living Essences, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Bach Flower Essences available to prescribe from.

  • Western Herbal Medicine draws upon the wisdom of all herbal traditions, from Europe, to North America, India, China, and elsewhere throughout the world, including Australia and New Zealand.

    Book in for a consult and we will formulate a blend specific for your ailments and support your body’s ability to come back to homoeostasis, strengthening your being holistically for further prevention of illness.

  • Hair Tissue Analysis:

    Are your complaints linked or caused by heavy metals within your body? Have you been unknowingly exposed to mercury, lead, aluminium, arsenic? Could your autoimmunity condition be linked? Could your child’s delaying learning, lack of eye contact, or distractibility and lack of attention be link to high levels of toxic metals? If you're looking for the root cause, the answer may lay within this easy, non-invasive test.

    Omega 6:3 balance and fatty acid testing:

    Curious to know if your ‘good fats’ outweigh the ‘bad fats’ in your body? With this test, a few drops of blood is all that is needed to determine this for you.

Consultation Enquiries

Please phone 0417 960 771 for all enquiries and consultation bookings