Our Apothecary stocks a number of tea blends of herbs for specific ailments that not only are therapeutic but taste amazing too. These are available via our online shop or in our apothecary.

We also tailor blend herbal teas for the individual seeking remedy for specific health concerns via consultation.

You are also able to purchase single herbs by weight.

We endeavour to hold only organic herbs and only will hold non-organic if there is no other option.

Currently in store we hold:

Alfalfa, Amla, Astragalus, Baical Skullcap, Barberry bark, Black cohosh, Blessed thistle, Blue Lotus, Burdock, Butterfly pea, Calendula, Catmint, Cats claw, Cleavers, Chamomile, Cistus, Corydalis, Damiana, Dandelion root, Devils claw, Dong Quai, Elderberries, Elder flowers, Ginger, Goats rue, Hawthorn berries, Hibiscus, Jasmine bud, Lavender, Lemon balm, Lemon myrtle, Lemon peel, Licorice, Linden, Marshmallow leaf, Meadowsweet, Moringa, Motherwort, Mullein, Neem, Nettle, Nigella, Oat straw, Passionflower, Peppermint, Pine needle, Raspberry leaf, Rose buds, Rosehip, Rose petal, Sage, Sacred Lotus flower, Schizandra, Skullcap, Sencha, Spearmint, Shatavari, Siberian Ginseng, Star anise, St. Mary’s thistle, Sweet orange peel, Qing Hao, Tulsi, Valerian, Violet leaf, Witch hazel, Yerba mate